The head of committeeRector of M.I. Pirogov VNMU
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Viktoria Viktorivna Petrushenko
Co-chairmen: O.I. Zadorozhna MD, Director o
f DHP end reabil. Vinnytsia RMA,
O.V Shysh. MD, Director of DHP Vinnytsia city council.
V.I. Chernii, MD Doctor of medical sciences, corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor
Executive Director:
Mykola Longinovych Gomon, MD, Doctor of medical sciences, head of the department, professor. 0677243107; 0637780660;
Members of the organizing committeeI. Andrushko. vice-rector of VNMU, doctor of medicine, professor
K. Bertsun., MD, PhD, Head of Neonatal ICU
T. Bondarenko MD, Deputy Director of DHP Vin. OMA
O.Budyuk, MD, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
lliam Donic, MD PhD, professor, Vice-Rector (Slovakia)
U. Fesenko, MD Doctor of medical sciences,professor, (Lithuania. Vilnius)
O. Halushko, MD Doctor of medical sciences, professor
V. Hnativ, MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
R.Homon, chief specialist, neonatology;
S. Hrytsenko, MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
O. Datsyuk, MD Doctor of medical sciences, main anesthesiology specialist, professor
O. Domaratsky MD PhD, associate professor;
V. Dudnyk MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
O. Yemiashev O., MD chief specialist, anesthesiology.
Oles Yehorov, MD PhD ass, prof. (WHO expert, Israel)
O.Kanikovskyi, MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor
K. Karnaukh, chief specialist, anesthesiology;
S. Khimich MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
I. Kukuruza., MD, chief specialist, PhD, obstetrics;
O. Klihunenko, MD, vice-president of USAIC, professor
Christopher Hansebout, MBBS, MSc., D.ABA (CCM), FRCPC (Ontario, Canada)
Lisa Corbett, MD PhD professor (USA, Мinnesota )
A.Mazur, MD, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
Oleg Turkot, MD PhD professor (USA, Baltimore)
A.Pirnykosa MD PhD, head doctor of Medical Territorial Unity “Vinnytsia Regional Center of Urgent Medical Aid and Emergency Medical Aid”.
V.Pohoriliy, MD, holder of post-doctoral degree in medidcine, Vice-Rector of VNMU, professor.
M. Pokydko, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor
A.Starodub, chief specialist, pediatric anesthesiology;
N.Tytarenko, MD PhD, associate professor.
R.Tkachenko MD, doctor of medical sciences, professor;
V.Shaprinsky MD, the head OF THE DEPARTMENT, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
Y. Shaprinksy MD, doctor of medical sciences, professor.
O.Yablon. MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
O.Yakymenko, MD PhD, associate professor..
Contact information of the local organizing committee:Halyna Mazur, responsible secretary.