VIII Podillya Interdisciplinary all-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation:

Organization and achievement of emergency care, intensive care,

and anesthesiology in 2024

04-05 OCTOBER 2024 Vinnitsia


Online stream

The main topics of conference:

1.Organization of emergency aid and the transportation of wounded in the conditions of a large-scale war with Russia.
2. Anesthesiology support of militaries and civilians at the stages of emergency and planned interventions.
3. Multi-vector intensive care of wounds and their complications.
4. Anesthesia and intensive care in pediatrics, neonatology.
5. Use of intensive treatment methods for patients’ rehabilitation.
6. Key issues of anesthesiology support and intensive care in surgery, traumatology, therapy, obstetrics and gynecology.
7. Others. Ultra-sound support of anesthesiology manipulations and anesthesia. Young scientists school. Poster reports (10 min. per one person)

Conferee registration – E-mail: until 10 a.m. of 4th October 2024. Registration payment – 400 UAH. (Certificate of 10 points of continuous learning) watching the conference by a listener on YouTube is free.) The printed version of the Journal VIII of the Podilya Conference will be sent out after the end of the conference. The E-version of the participant’s certificate of the VIIIPodilya Conference will be sent after successful passing test at the end of the conference.

How to pay:
Bank account UA543052990000026002036105668 (Privat Bank)
National State Registry of Ukrainian Enterprises and
Organizations (ID) - ЕРДПО 41545890
payment destination : "Name Surname, phone number, e-mail
Podillia Charitable Fund for the VIII Podil conference in Vinnytsia, 2024"
How to view
Online on
Google Meet + Youtube
Organizing Committee

The head of committee
Rector of M.I. Pirogov VNMU
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Viktoria Viktorivna Petrushenko

O.I. Zadorozhna MD, Director of DHP end reabil. Vinnytsia RMA,
O.V Shysh. MD, Director of DHP Vinnytsia city council.
V.I. Chernii, MD Doctor of medical sciences, corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor

Executive Director:
Mykola Longinovych Gomon, MD, Doctor of medical sciences, head of the department, professor. 0677243107; 0637780660;

Members of the organizing committee
I. Andrushko. vice-rector of VNMU, doctor of medicine, professor
K. Bertsun., MD, PhD, Head of Neonatal ICU
T. Bondarenko MD, Deputy Director of DHP Vin. OMA
O.Budyuk, MD, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
Villiam Donic, MD PhD, professor, Vice-Rector (Slovakia)
U. Fesenko, MD Doctor of medical sciences,professor, (Lithuania. Vilnius)
O. Halushko, MD Doctor of medical sciences, professor
V. Hnativ, MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
R.Homon, chief specialist, neonatology;
S. Hrytsenko, MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
O. Datsyuk, MD Doctor of medical sciences, main anesthesiology specialist, professor
O. Domaratsky MD PhD, associate professor;
V. Dudnyk MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
O. Yemiashev O., MD chief specialist, anesthesiology.
Oles Yehorov, MD PhD ass, prof. (WHO expert, Israel)
O.Kanikovskyi, MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor
K. Karnaukh, chief specialist, anesthesiology;
S. Khimich MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
I. Kukuruza., MD, chief specialist, PhD, obstetrics;
O. Klihunenko, MD, vice-president of USAIC, professor
Christopher Hansebout, MBBS, MSc., D.ABA (CCM), FRCPC (Ontario, Canada)
Lisa Corbett, MD PhD professor (USA, Мinnesota )
A.Mazur, MD, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
Oleg Turkot, MD PhD professor (USA, Baltimore)
A.Pirnykosa MD PhD, head doctor of Medical Territorial Unity “Vinnytsia Regional Center of Urgent Medical Aid and Emergency Medical Aid”.
V.Pohoriliy, MD, holder of post-doctoral degree in medidcine, Vice-Rector of VNMU, professor.
M. Pokydko, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor
A.Starodub, chief specialist, pediatric anesthesiology;
N.Tytarenko, MD PhD, associate professor.
R.Tkachenko MD, doctor of medical sciences, professor;
V.Shaprinsky MD, the head OF THE DEPARTMENT, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;
Y. Shaprinksy MD, doctor of medical sciences, professor.
O.Yablon. MD, the head of the department, Doctor of medical sciences, professor;

O.Yakymenko, MD PhD, associate professor..

Contact information of the local organizing committee:
Halyna Mazur, responsible secretary.



Forms of participation

Listener - free to join, just listen to the conference on YouTube via the link

Participant - receives access to listening to the conference, a certificate of participation of 10 BPR points, and the opportunity to communicate with speakers. Payment UAH 400 (Questions regarding payment details should be agreed at the address (+380637780660))

Speaker - presentation at the conference with a report according to the conference program 30 BPR points, access to listening and communication with conference speakers, participant certificate 10 BPR points. During registration, speakers must indicate the surname and initials of the author, co-authors, title of the report, contact phone number. In order to increase the quality and guarantees of the presentation of the conference materials, we ask the speakers to send an additional video recording of the report in advance to the e-mail (+380985947188), (0677243107) or take part in a trial remote presentation of the report material. Printing theses - the deadline for submitting theses is until September 2024, free of charge. Requirements for scientific theses: compliance with the theme of the conference, the name of the file must correspond to the surname of the 1st author, contact phone number, volume up to 2500 characters, font 14, Times New Roman, interval 1.5. Structure of scientific theses: NAME, NAME, institution, city, relevance; purpose of work; materials and methods; results; conclusions, literature - no more than 2 sources. Information theses in an arbitrary form. Submission of advertising information is coordinated with the executive director. Publication of theses and reports of a scientific, non-advertising nature is free! Theses for printing should be sent to or (+380637780660)
Phone +380637780660
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